Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 7, 2011


It is nearly a week since the last time I posted the latest entry on my blog. I have just finished 2 of 8 final tests at my university, advanced math and physology. After having done the physology test I will have a month to prepare for 6 other final tests :(
Today, I have just finished reading my first english book, Frankenstein. A real novel has aproximately 1000 pages although my book is a short form of it, it just has more than 500 pages but i think it is enough for me. My teacher, Thomas, says that reading English novel is the easiest way to improve your reading skill and vocabulary.  From my point of view, reading novel in its native language can enhance the way i think in English.
Frankenstein is known as the first scientist – fiction novel on the world. It was written by Mary Shelley when she was just 19 years old. I have seen some movies about Frankenstein but most of them has been changed into horrow film by the director. But the real story is completely diffirent. At the first time I believed that Frankenstein is the name of the monster but I am wrong, very bid mistake. Frankenstein is the name of the scientist, Victor Frankenstein, who has created a new man, bigger and stronger than any other man but on the other hand it is also a monster. It will be a big movement of human if the scientist looks after and take care of his invention. But after creating  the man, Frankenstein turns away from him and leaves him alone without anything. Because of being rejected, the man changes slowly into the real monster. He decided to revenge his creator, his father, Victor Frankenstein. Fristly, the moster calumniated Frankenstein’s servant and killed his brother. Then it killed the best friend of Frankenstein. Finally the monster murdered his lovely wife and ruined his life. The story has a sad ending with the death of all main characters.
From the beginning to the end of the story, the author did not mention the name of the monster, she just called him  “monster or it”. Probably she wants to confirm that he is not a human. From my point of view, what the monster do is natural and not wrong. All the monster wants is love and to be loved. I think all problems begin at the moment Frankenstein turns away and tries to escape the monster but the futher he runs the angrier the monster is. If Victor Frankenstein can stand may be just a few minutes or teach and give his care to his invention, the story will not be a tragedy.  

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